Appending email replies to existing tickets

This topic provides relevant information that explains how email replies are appended to existing tickets.

Email replies are appended to existing tickets if they pass a series of checks. The checks are performed in the following order:

  1. GFI HelpDesk checks for the ticket ID in subject with the correct format, that is, [#Ticket ID:]. If found, the reply gets appended to the existing ticket.
  2. GFI HelpDesk searches for the ticket ID in the body of the reply.

    This check is only performed if you enabled the Search for ticket ID in email body option.

  3. Finally, GFI HelpDesk looks for a colon symbol (':') with the existing ticket subject from the same user. If it finds a match, then the reply is appended.

For any discrepancies when replies are added to existing tickets, you can look for the attributes above in the parser logs for those tickets.