Mail parser rule essentials for setting up email rules

A volley of emails comes in every few minutes and you are left wondering how to filter, categorize, sort and even ignore those unwarranted spam or bounce back emails.

Each mailbox has a unique set of ticket properties linked to incoming emails but when that becomes limiting to categorizing your emails, parser rules kick in.

This topic provides information on the mail parser rule essentials when setting up email rules.


If you are migrating from another solution to GFI HelpDesk and you already had Email Rules set before, set them up in GFI HelpDesk to keep emails working as expected.

To set up email rules go to Admin CP > Email Parser > Rules.

Mail Parser Rules work on eligible emails. This means that any email which doesn’t follow RFC guidelines is in the Bans List or cannot be parsed due to message size restrictions or any other technicality is not matched against these rules.

Message Size Limit

  • Helpdesk message size limit (in kilobytes) is specified from the Email Size Limit setting under the Admin Control Panel: Email Parser > Settings.
  • The maximum allowed limit for On Demand Helpdesk is 10240 KB, that is 10 MB.

GFI HelpDesk customers can configure PHP parameters (in conjunction with required limit and actual server hardware) to support large size attachments parsing from server side. If the server cannot support it, the Helpdesk cannot parse the email.

Rule criteria and action set can be segregated neatly into two sets

Pre Parse criteria set:

  • Consider actual mail properties on the basis of raw mail headers, such as Sender email address and Destination email address amongst others.
  • Pre Parse criteria can be used to set any action set: Pre Parse or Post Parse.

Post Parse criteria set:

  • Recognized by Post Parse postfix in criteria selector.
  • Cater to actual ticket properties set for the ticket which is created or to which the email is appended post parsing.
  • Post Parse criteria only work for Post Parse action set.
  • You can make use of Post Parse action set to assign emails matching certain criteria to particular staff members.

Parser Rules are checked against an incoming eligible email in ascending order of the value for Execution Order.

Once a rule matches, parser checks if Stop Processing Rules setting is disabled before proceeding to check the mail against other rules.

Refer to this operator usage table in case you are specifying multiple criteria:

Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Means
AND/OR NA NA Criteria 1 should be true.
AND AND OR All criteria must match
AND OR OR Criteria 1 must hold and either of Criteria 2 or Criteria 3 be true
OR OR OR Any criteria must hold.

Remove specific attachment types or big attachments while parsing emails

  1. Enable the Use file attachment type whitelist setting from Admin Control Panel under Tickets and Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Make the required changes from Tickets and File Types.