How Active Directory Integration Works

Active Directory integration allows you to expose AD usernames within monitoring and reporting on the Exinda Appliance, rather than viewing the default IPInternet protocol Addresses. You can also use AD groups and usernames within optimization policies, allowing you to implement QoSQuality of Service and Optimization Policies based on individual users or entire groups.

Integration requires a proprietary Exinda AD Connector service installed onto a server in the network that has access to the Active Directory server. After configuration, the Connector functions as a gateway between the Active Directory Server and the Exinda Appliances to supply user and group information. As each user logs in using their Active Directory credentials, the information is gathered by the Connector and passed to the Exinda Appliances. Within the Monitor reports, IP Addresses are replaced by the user and group names where obtained from Active Directory.

Integration Process

Complete the following tasks to connect the Exinda AD Connector to the Active Directory server, and to select the individual Exinda Appliances that will receive the AD information


Each installation of the Active Directory Connector can have a maximum of 20 Exinda Appliances connected to it.

If there are more than 20 Exinda Appliances, you will need to install the connector on multiple Windows servers and divide the appliances across multiple instances of the Active Directory Connector. The instructions below step you through configuring a single Connector. Repeat these instructions if you are installing more than one instance of the Active Directory Connector.

  1. Install the Exinda AD Connector. For more information refer to Install the Exinda AD Connector.
  1. Add the Exinda Appliances to the Exinda AD Connector. For more information refer to Add the Exinda Appliances to the Exinda AD Connector.
  2. Identify the Active Directory Server. For more information refer to Identify the Active Directory Server.
  3. Select the information sent between the Exinda appliance and the Active Directory server. For more information refer to Select the information sent between the Exinda appliance and the Active Directory server.
  4. The Exinda AD Connector port number. For more information refer to The Exinda AD Connector port number.
  1. Identifying users. For more information refer to Identifying users.
  2. Verify communication between the Active Directory server and the Exinda Appliance. For more information refer to Verify communication between the Active Directory server and the Exinda Appliance.


If you encounter any issues, see Troubleshoot issues with Active Directory configuration.

Configuration Options

After the integration process is successful, you can complete the following tasks to expose user names in monitoring reports, and to implement optimization policies based on user groups.