Working with Retention Holds

A Retention Hold is set up for a set of messages that are to be retained and prevented from being purged regardless of any other Retention Policies that may apply to it. This feature is particularly useful during a litigation process where messages must be kept for an undetermined period.

Retention Holds can be created by administrators or user that are member of a Reviewer Group. To create a retention hold the user must login with an account with review group permission and under Search company archives should create a query to select the emails to be included in the Hold. For more information refer to

When a Retention hold is created, it is listed at the top of Retention Policies and is ranked higher than other membership-based or capture policies.

When a Retention Hold is deleted, messages are then available to be retained or purged based on Retention Policies applicable to each individual message.

Administrators can edit or delete Retention Holds from the GFI OneConnect Admin ConsoleA web interface for adminsitrators to manage and configure GFI OneConnect..

Edit a Retention Hold and view a hold’s change history
  1. Login to GFI OneConnect with an administrator account.
  2. From the top-right menu, navigate to Manage > Archiving.
  1. Identify the Retention Hold policy, and click Edit.
  2. Only the hold’s name can be changed, along with whether or not new messages matching the query are automatically retained. The scope of the hold cannot be changed.
  3. Click Submit.
Delete a Retention Hold

Deleting a retention hold is an irreversible operation and all messages included in that hold are set for purging unless they matched another retention policy.

There is a window of time between GFI OneConnect identifying a message eligible for purging and when all records of that message are actually deleted. Eligible messages queued for purging are deleted when the next purge is performed.

To delete a Retention Hold:

  1. Login to GFI OneConnect with an administrator account.
  2. From the top-right menu, navigate to Manage > Archiving.
  1. Identify the Retention Hold policy to be deleted, and click Delete. A confirmation box appears and reminds you that this action cannot be undone.
  2. Click Delete.