GFI OneConnect Continuity

GFI OneConnect ContinuityA feature provided by GFI OneConnect that queues the emails sent and received in a Data Center and ensures that your organization can keep the mail flow even when the email infrastructure is down. is a high availability messaging system that ensures continuous mail flow of your organization in the event of an unexpected disruption of the primary email system.

In the case of an email flow disruption, you have three options to access to your email:

You can send and receive email messages through these interfaces until normal service is restored to your primary email system.

Once normal email flow is reestablished, any emails sent or received during the time of the outageRefers to a situation when the email server is down or offline. can be restored to your organization’s email system, ensuring that no messages are lost in the transition.

GFI OneConnect Continuity provides the following features and functions:

Feature Description
Email service during scheduled or emergency email outages Continuity provides an email service when your email infrastructure is down, without impacting your organization's operations.
Web access to emails The Continuity WebMailA web-based email client provided by GFI OneConnect that is available when your organization's primary email infrastructure is unavailable. functionality allows users to access their email through a secure browser-based interface. Users can send and receive email messages through this interface until normal service is restored to their primary email system. For more information refer to Using WebMail.
Users continue using Microsoft Outlook during outages You can also allow your mail users to access their mail during an activation by installing the optional Outlook Extension client software on user desktops. This allows mail users to access their mail through Outlook during the activation. For more information refer to Outlook Extension.
Partial activation

Activate Continuity for a subset of your users only, for example, activate Continuity for mailboxes hosted on a particular mail server during maintenance but leave mailboxes on other mail servers operating normally.

This optional feature requires installation of Redirector Components. For more information refer to RedirectorAgents & Partial activation.

Audit reports An audit trail of actions taken within the system, such as Continuity Activations. For more information refer to Audit Reports.

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