CLI: Optimizer

You can use the optimizer command to manage the running state of the optimizer engine.

Manage the operational state of the optimizer

To enable the optimizer:

optimizer enable

To stop the optimizer:

no optimizer enable

To restart the optimizer:

optimizer restart

Configuring the optimizer

optimizer {default|enable|global-qos|restart}
show optimizer

To install pre-configured default policies based on the policy wizard:

optimizer default {accelerate|accelerateqos|qos}

  • default accelerate - Install the default acceleration policy set
  • default accelerateqos {dualvc|singlevc} - Install one of the default QoSQuality of Service with acceleration policy sets
  • default qos {enterprise {dualvc|singlevc} | serviceprovider} inbound <bandwidth (kbps)> outbound <bandwidth <kbps> - Install one of the default QoS policy sets
  • enterprise dualvc - Install the default enterprise QoS policy set with two virtual circuits
  • enterprise singlevc - Install the default enterprise QoS policy set with a single virtual circuit
  • serviceprovider - Install the default serviceprovider QoS policy set (with a single virtual circuit)

To specify how policies are applied in multi-bridge deployments (Global QoS):

optimizer global-qos {enable|mq {mode|switch-bandwidth}}

  • optimizer global-qos enable - Enable global QoS. Optimizer policies are applied globally, to the entire system. For example, if there were a single policy to restrict all traffic to 1Mbps, this would be applied across all bridges. So, the sum of all traffic through all the bridges would not exceed 1Mbps. This is typically used when you are using multiple bridges and wish to QoS everything as one link.
  • no optimizer global-qos enable - Disable global Qos. Optimizer policies are applied to each bridge (LANLocal area network and WANWide Area Network pair) independently. For example, if there were a single policy to restrict all traffic to 1Mbps, this would be applied independently to all bridges. So, the traffic through each bridge would not exceed 1Mbps.
  • optimizer global-qos mq mode {auto-license|single|multi|multi-per-vc} - Specify how policy queues will be handled across CPUs. For more information refer to How traffic-shaping queue modes work.
  • mq mode auto-license - Let the appliance automatically select single or multi-queue configuration based on license
  • mq mode single - Use a single global policy queue in memory to handle the traffic shaping of all virtual circuits
  • mq mode multi - Use one policy queue per CPU where the flows of a given virtual circuit are divided evenly amongst the policy queues.
  • mq mode multi-per-vc - Use one policy queue per CPU where each virtual circuit is assigned to a single policy queue.
  • optimizer global-qos mq switch-bandwidth <bandwidth [G|M|k]> - This command should not be used. This indicates when the auto-license mode switches between single or multi-queue mode. However, this is based on license level so it should not be overwritten and may not work as expected if modified.