You can use the apm command to create, modify or remove an Application Performance Metric (APM) object. An APM object measures a single metric of an application which traversing the network.


apm <name> {metric|network-object|alert|threshold|delay}

To create a new apm object for a specified application:

apm <name>

metric {normalized-network-delay|normalized-server-delay|network-delay|
application <application>

  • <name> - The name of your newly created APM object.
  • <application> - The application that the APM object should monitor.
  • metric network-delay - The time taken for data to traverse the network.
  • metric server-delayy - The time taken for a server to respond to a request.
  • metric transaction-delay - The total delay time for a transaction (network delay + server delay).
  • metric normalized-network-delay - The time taken for data to traverse the network when you consider a normalized packet size, which by default is 1024 bytes.
  • metric normalized-server-delay - The time taken for a server to respond to a request when you consider a normalized packet size.
  • metric normalized-transaction-delay - The total delay time for a transaction when you consider a normalized packet size.
  • metric round-trip-time - The time taken for a packet to travel from a device, cross the network, and return.
  • metric bytes-lost - The number of bytes lost due to retransmissions.
  • metric tcp-connections-started - The number of TCPTransmission Control Protocol connections initiated.
  • metric tcp-connections-aborted - The number of connections that were aborted. The connection is reset after being established. RST from client or server.
  • metric tcp-connections-ignored - The number of connections that expired in the SYN-SENT state and no response was received from the server. Therefore the connection was not established.
  • metric tcp-connections-refused - The number of connections that were reset while in the SYN-SENT state, that is, before the connection was established.

To specify an  internal or external Network ObjectNetwork Object to filter the traffic when calculating the application performance:

apm <name> network-object {internal|external} <network-object-name>

To enable or disable a configured alertalert when the metric rises above a configured threshold for a specified delay:

[no] apm <name> alert enable

To specify the threshold that will trigger the named alert:

apm <name> threshold <value>

  • <value> - When the calculated APM value exceeds and continues to exceed this threshold value for the duration specified by the apm <name> delay command, the alert will be triggered, assuming the alert is enabled.

To specify the delay before triggering the alert, that is the duration that the apm value must exceed the threshold before triggering the alert:

apm <name> delay {60, 300, 1800, 3600, 86400}

To use a normalized packet size for all apm calculations:

monitor apm transaction normalize <value>

  • <value> - When packet sizes are variable, it may help to normalize the packet sizes for more accurate comparisons. The normalize value specifies the number of bytes used to normalize the calculation of the normalized delays. The default vlaue is 1024. The maximum values is 1048576.

To disable the normalization calculations:

monitor apm transaction normalize 0