CLI: Reboot and Shutdown

You can use the reload command to reboot and shutdown the appliance.

stats {alarm|chd|clear-all|export|sample}

To reboot the appliance use the reload command:

reload {force|halt|mode|noconfirm}

  • force - Force an immediate reboot of the system even if it's busy.
  • halt - Shut down (power off) the system.
  • mode kexec - Change the default configuration for the fast reboot with kexec (skips the BIOS).
  • mode bios - Change the default configuration for the Slow reboot via the BIOS (traditional reboot).
  • mode biosnext - Change the default configuration for the Slow reboot via the BIOS (takes affect for the one next boot only).
  • noconfirm - Reboot the system without asking about unsaved changes.