You can use the pbr command to configure the appliance with Policy Based Routing (PBR) so an Exinda appliance can be inserted in the network out-of-path, but retain in-pathIn-path refers to placing an between network devices that send and receive data packets to each other, like a switch and a router. An appliance deployed in-path automatically inspects all packets traveling along the path. optimization capabilities.

pbr interface <interface-name> {ip|ipv6|mq}

To specify the IPInternet protocol address to route traffic to after it arrives at the interface

pbr interface <interface-name> {ip|ipv6} next-hop <ip-address>

  • <interface-name> - Name of the interface. E.g. eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4.

To specify the multi-queue NIC operation mode for this PBR interface

pbr interface <interface-name> mq mode {auto-license|single|multi|multi-per-vc}

  • interface <interface-name> - Name of the interface. E.g. eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4.
  • mq mode auto-license - QoSQuality of Service automatically selects single or multi-queue configuration based on license.
  • mq mode single - Force QoS to use a single queue network interface configuration.
  • mq mode multi - Force QoS to use a multi-queue network interface configuration.
  • mq mode multi-per-vc - Force QoS to use a multi-queue network interface configuration with virtual circuits allocated per queue.

To specify the bandwidth at which the PBR interface auto-license mode switches from single-queue to multi-queue

pbr interface <interface-name> mq switch-bandwidth <bandwidth [G|M|k]>

  • <bandwidth [G|M|k]> - Specify the bandwidth at which to switch to a multi-queue configuration.

To display the parameters of the PBR interface configurations

show pbr