CLI: Clustering and HA

You can use the cluster command to configure clustering.

Configure the Interface for the Cluster Service

cluster {interface|master|sync}

To configure a cluster internal or external address -

cluster interface <inf>

  • Any interface not bound to a bridge or used in another role (e.g. Mirror or WCCP) may be used. This command will need to be run on each node in the cluster, and each with a unique cluster internal address.

cluster interface <inf> ip address <address> <netmask>

  • This command should also be executed on all cluster nodes, using the same cluster external address.

To configure the master cluster -

cluster master interface <inf>

cluster master address vip <address> <netmask>

  • The role of the node (master or slave) is shown in the CLICommnad line interface prompt. Once the cluster is up, configuration changes should only be made on the cluster master. Configuration changes made on the master will be sent to slave nodes.

To control how data is synchronized between cluster members -

[no] cluster sync {all|acceleration|monitor|optimizer|compression}

  • sync all - Acceleration, monitor and optimizer data are synchronized. This is disabled by default.
  • sync acceleration- Synchronize acceleration data only
  • sync acceleration redirect-only - Do not accelerate any connections; only perform monitoring
  • sync monitor - Synchronize monitor data only
  • sync optimizer - Synchronize optimizer data only
  • sync compression - Configure cluster compressions settings
  • sync compression threshold - Set the size of the data block that will trigger compression
  • sync compression threshold <value> - Set the compression value (default is 2048)
  • sync compression zip - Enable zip compression between cluster nodes
  • sync compression zip level <value> - Set the zip compression level, where 1 is the fastest, largest compressed block and 9 is the slowest, smallest compressed block and best compression. When zip compression is enabled, the level value defaults to 9 until changed. Note that the larger compression block requires less bandwidth, but results in smaller blocks and requires more CPU power.

Viewing cluster configuration and status

To show a brief overview of the current cluster configuration -

show cluster global brief

To show cluster sync status information -

show cluster sync {acceleration|optimizer|monitor|compression}

  • sync acceleration- Show acceleration sync status
  • sync redirect-only - Synchronize redirect data only
  • sync monitor - Synchronize monitor data only
  • sync optimizer - Synchronize optimizer data only
  • sync compression - Show cluster compression information

To display all the appliances in the cluster -

show appliances