CLI: Circuits

You can use the circuit command to create a new optimizer circuit.

circuit <circuit name> {bandwidth|bridge|order}
no circuit <circuit name> [bridge]

To set inbound and outbound bandwidth in kbps -

circuit <circuit name> bandwidth {inbound|outbound} <bandwidth_kbps>

To set which bridge to attach this circuit to

circuit <circuit name> bridge {ALL|<name>}

To set the circuit ordering number -

circuit <circuit name> order <order_number>

To delete a circuit -

no circuit <circuit name>

To unbind the bridge from a circuit -

no circuit <circuit name> bridge [<bridge_name>]

where [<bridge_name>] is optional parameter


Create a new circuit with 200kbps bandwidth in both directions.

circuit circuit_1 order 1
circuit circuit_1 bandwidth inbound 200
circuit circuit_1 bandwidth outbound 200
circuit circuit_1 bridge ALL