CLI: Time

You can use the clock command to manually configure the date, time, and timezone on the appliance. If you want the time to be set via NTPNetwork Time Protocol server, use the ntp command.

Note that using these commands will force the UI to restart without a prompt.

clock {set|timezone}

To set the appliance's time and date:

clock set <hh>:<mm>:<ss> [<yyyy>/<mm>/<dd>]

  • <hh>:<mm>:<ss> [<yyyy>/<mm>/<dd>] - If the date is not set, the time will change without affecting the date. Time adjustment is not allowed if NTP is enabled.


Set the time zone and adjust the system clock to 11:00pm.

clock timezone Australia Melbourne
clock set 23:00:00

To set the appliance's time zone:

clock timezone {<region>|UTC|UTC-offset <utc-offset>}

  • <region> - Set the region. The region is specified by several keywords. For example, America North United_States Pacific, Australia Melbourne, Europe Eastern Moscow etc.
  • <utc-offset> - Set the UTC offset. Options range from UTC-9 to UTC+0 to UTC+14.