CLI: Web UI and Web Proxy

You can use the web command to configure the web user interface (Web UI).

Configuring web UI

web {auto-logout|logout|console|http|httpd|https|proxy|enable}

To enable or disable the Web UI:

[no] web enable

To configure the length of user inactivity before auto-logout (in seconds):

web auto-logout <time>

To configure HTTP access to the Web UI:

web http {enable|port|redirect|restrict}

To configure HTTPS access to the Web UI:

https {enable|certificate|customssl|port|restrict}

  • enable - Enable https access to the web UI.
  • port <port-number> - Set the port number for https access to the web UI.
  • certificate regenerate - Configure a certificate for use for https connections.
  • customssl - Configure a custom SSL certificate.
  • restrict <network-object> - Restrict access to the web UI for a particular named network object.

To configure a custom SSL certificate:

https customssl {enable|certificate|generate csr country <country> state <state> location <location> organization <org> hostname <hostname>|privatekey}

  • certificate <certificate> – Specify the certificate to use.
  • country <country> – Type your country code. E.g. US.
  • state <state> – Type your state. E.g. California.
  • location <location> – Type your location. E.g. "San Franscisco".
  • organization <org> – Type your organization. E.g. "Exinda Networks".
  • hostname <hostname> – Type your full hostname to access your appliance.
  • privatekey <pkey> – Type a custom SSL private key that you have obtained or generated.

To configure renewal and timeout session settings:

web session {renewal <number-of-minutes>|timeout <number-of-minutes>}

To enable or disable deflate compression encoding:

[no] web httpd compression

To enable or disable Web interface restrictions:

[no] web httpd listen {enable|interface <interface>}

To restrict the listen interface for the Web UI. The configured interface should be statically configured (DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol disabled).:

web httpd listen interface <interface>

Configuring web proxy

web proxy {host|proxy}

Configure the web proxy host address and port:

web proxy host <hostname or IPInternet protocol address> [port <port>]

  • host <hostname or IP address> - IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be used.

To configure the type of proxy authentication:

web proxy auth authtype {none|basic}

Configure the username and password for basic authentication:

web proxy auth basic {password|username}

Viewing web settings

To show Web UI configuration and running state:

show web