CLI: Netflow

You can use the ip flowthe network traffic between network objects-export command to configure netflow export. Netflow records can be exported and sent to 3rd party applications.

Configuring NetFlow

ip flow-export {destination|export|options|template|timeout}

To set the destination address and port (UDPUser Datagram Protocol) of the device that will receive netflow records:

ip flow-export destination <IPv4 address> <udp-port>

To configure which information is sent:

[no] ip flow-export export {application|aps|bytes-long|direction|extra-info|




  • application - Export application identification information.
  • aps - Export the Appliation Performance Score (APSApplication Perfromance Score).
  • bytes-long - Export byte counters as 64bit values instead of 32bit.
  • direction - Export flow direction (i.e. inbound|outbound).
  • extra-info - Export extra information details (e.g. hostnames, codec names).
  • interfaces - Export SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol input and output interfaces.
  • lost-bytes - Export lost bytes count.
  • network-delay - Export network delay.
  • network-jitter - Export network jitter.
  • output-counts - Export output packet and byte counts.
  • packets-long - Export packet counters as 64bit values instead of 32bit values.
  • packets-size - Export minimum and maximum packet sizes.
  • payload-size - Set maximum netflow packet payload size.
  • policy - Export policy identification information.
  • rtt - Export round trip time (RTT).
  • server-delay - Export server delay.
  • tos - Export minimum and maximum TOS.
  • traffic-class - Export traffic class id.
  • ttl - Export minimum and maximum TTL.
  • usernames - Export username details (see Active Directory and Static Users).
  • vlan - Export VLAN identifier.
  • voip - Export R-Factor.

To control refresh settings for export of options:

ip flow-export options {refresh-rate|timeout-rate|usernames}

  • options refresh-rate <packet_count> - Sets the maximum number of packets allowed between options export.
  • options timeout-rate <duration_sec> - Sets the maximum number of seconds between options export.
  • options usernames expiry-rate <duration_hours> - Set the maximum number of hours to remember inactive usernames.
  • options usernames timeout-rate <duration_min> - Set the maximum number of minutes between export of username options.

To control refresh settings for export of templates:

ip flow-export template {refresh-rate|timeout-rate}

  • template refresh-rate <packet_count> - Set the maximum number of packets before template export.
  • template timeout-rate <duration_sec> - Set the maximum number of seconds before template export.

To control how often netflow records are exported:

ip flow-export timeout active

  • timeout active <duration_min> - How often to export active flow information.

Viewing NetFlow Settings

To show the current flow-export settings:

show ip flow-export config

To show currently configured netflow destinations:

show ip flow-export collectors

To show netflow template details:

show ip flow-export templates {appid|appgroupid|appgroups|ipv4|ipv4voip|ipv4aps}