CLI: Virtual Circuits

You can use the circuit ... vcircuit command to configure virtual circuits within an existing circuit.

circuit <circuit_name> vcircuit <vcircuit_name> {app-group|app-name|bandwidth|connection-limit|direction|dynamic|network-object|order|schedule|vlan}
no circuit <circuit_name> vcircuit <vcircuit_name>

To set the virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much ordering number:

circuit <circuit-name> vcircuit <name> order <num>

  • order <num> - Set the order of the virtual circuit within the circuit.

To set the bandwidth for this virtual circuit:

circuit <circuit-name> vcircuit <name> bandwidth <amount> {kbps|%}

  • <amount> {kbps|%} - Set the amount of bandwidth as kbps or as a percentage. If kbps or % are not specified, kbps is used.

To set the filter settings for matching traffic:

circuit <circuit-name> vcircuit <name> {{app-group|app-name}|connection-limit|network-object|schedule|vlan}

  • schedule - Set the schedule for matching traffic.
  • app-group - Set the application group for matching traffic.
  • app-name - Set the application for matching traffic. Only an application group or application can be specified.
  • vlan - Set the VLAN for matching traffic.
  • network-object <name> - Set the Network Object to match.
  • connection-limit <num> - Limit the number of connections that can be handled by this virtual circuit. Connections exceeding this limit will be passed on for evaluation by the next virtual circuit. "0" mean no connection limit.
  • direction {inbound|outbound|both} - Set the direction of the traffic for matching traffic. Values can be inbound, outbound, or both (bi-directional).

To set dynamic virtual circuit settings:

circuit <circuit-name> vcircuit <name> dynamic {bandwidth|enable|external|host-limit|internal}

  • bandwidth {burst|guaranteed } - Specify the Dynamic Virtual Circuit bandwidth values. If kbps or % are not specified, kbps is used.
  • bandwidth burst {auto|<amount> {kbps|%} - Configure the burst per-host bandwidth for the dynamic virtual circuit. This can be specified as auto configured or as an amount specified as kbps or as a percentage of the virtual circuit.
  • bandwidth guaranteed <amount> {kbps|%} - Configure the guaranteed per-host bandwidth for the dynamic virtual circuit specified as kbps or as a percentage of the virtual circuit.
  • enable - Enable/disable Dynamic Virtual Circuit.
  • external - Specify that the bandwidth is shared amongst hosts that are on the external side of the appliance
  • internal - Specify that the bandwidth is shared amongst hosts are on the internal side of the appliance.
  • host-limit <num> - Specify the number of unique hosts that will be managed by this virtual circuit.


Create a virtual circuit that captures all traffic in both directions and assign it 200kbps.

circuit circuit_1 vcircuit VC1 order 1
circuit circuit_1 vcircuit VC1 bandwidth 200 kbps
circuit circuit_1 vcircuit VC1 direction both
circuit circuit_1 vcircuit VC1 network-object ALL

To delete a virtual circuit:

no circuit <circuit_name> vcircuit <vcircuit_name>