CLI: PDF Reports

You can use the report pdf command to create a new pdf report.

Configure pdf reports

report pdf <name> {basic|custom|detailed|email|email-report|frequency|netpercentile|password|vc-axis-unit}

To create a basic pdf report:

(config)# no report pdf <name>

report pdf <name> basic {aps|network|tcp|health|sla|subnets|edge-cache|voip|prioritization|flows}

  • To set the percentile line in the network report:
  • report pdf <report-name> netpercentile {none|70|75|80|85|90|95}
  • tcp — Include TCPTransmission Control Protocol efficiency reports.
  • health — Include TCP health reports.
  • sla — Include SLA reports.
  • subnets — Include Subnets reports.
  • edge-cache — Include Edge Cache reports.
  • prioritization — Include Prioritization Ratio reports.
  • flows — Include Flow reports.

To create a detailed pdf report:

report pdf <name> detailed {appliance|interface|peer|pps|subnet|vcircuit}

  • To set the y-axis to either bytes or percentage on the virtual circuit report:
  • report pdf <report-name> vc-axis-unit {Bytes|Percent}

To specify the time range for a report that will be available for on-demand generation:

report pdf <name> frequency on-demand {last_60_minutes|last_24_hours|last_7_days|last_30_days|last_12_months|current_hour|today|this_week|this_month|this_year|last_hour|yesterday|last_week|last_month|last_year|custom}

  • If custom, specify a start and end date/time for the custom, on-demand report. Time format is "YYYY/MM/DD HH".
  • report pdf <name> custom {start <time>|end <time>}


Custom pdf on-demand time range

report pdf myreport frequency on-demand custom

report pdf myreport custom start "2014/05/12 16"

report pdf myreport custom end "2014/05/23 16"

To specify the time range for a report that will be scheduled for emailing:

report pdf <name> frequency scheduled {hourly|daily|weekly|monthly|custom_daily|custom_weekly|custom_monthly}

  • hourly - The report will be emailed hourly.
  • daily - The report will be emailed daily.
  • weekly - The report will be emailed weekly.
  • monthly - The report will be emailed monthly.
  • custom_daily - The report will be emailed daily. Additionally, you need to specify the custom time range:
  • report pdf <name> custom-daily {start <time>|end <time>}
  • <time> - Military time. E.g. 4:00pm is specified as 16:00


Scheduled daily report with custom time range of 9:00am-6:00pm

report pdf myreport frequency scheduled custom_daily

report pdf myreport custom-daily start 9:00

report pdf myreport custom-daily end 18:00

  • custom_weekly - The report will be emailed weekly. Additionally, you need to specify the custom date range:
  • report pdf <name> custom-weekly {start {Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat}|end {Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat}}


Scheduled weekly report with custom time range of Monday - Friday

report pdf myreport frequency scheduled custom_weekly

report pdf myreport custom-weekly start Mon

report pdf myreport custom-weekly end Fri

  • custom-monthly - The report will be emailed monthly. Additionally, you need to specify the custom date range:
  • report pdf <name> custom-monthly {start <1-31>|end <1-31>}


Scheduled monthly report with custom time range of 1st-15th of the month

report pdf myreport frequency scheduled custom_monthly

report pdf myreport custom-monthly start 1

report pdf myreport custom-monthly end 15

To specify email recipients (optional for on-demand reports):

report pdf <name> email <email address>


Reports scheduled to be generated hourly or for the last hour cannot be emailed on-demand.

To password protect the pdf file:

report pdf <name> password <password>

To force a report to be emailed immediately:

report pdf <name> email-report


Create a custom time-range PDF report that is emailed to a recipient

report pdf MyFullReport
report pdf MyFullReport basic aps
report pdf MyFullReport basic network
report pdf MyFullReport basic sla
report pdf MyFullReport basic subnets
report pdf MyFullReport detailed appliance connection
report pdf MyFullReport detailed appliance cpu_temperature
report pdf MyFullReport detailed appliance cpu_usage
report pdf MyFullReport detailed appliance memory_usage
report pdf MyFullReport detailed appliance swap_usage
report pdf MyFullReport detailed interface ALL
report pdf MyFullReport detailed interface eth11
report pdf MyFullReport detailed pps ALL
report pdf MyFullReport detailed pps br10
report pdf MyFullReport detailed subnet ALL application
report pdf MyFullReport detailed subnet ALL conversation
report pdf MyFullReport detailed subnet ALL host
report pdf MyFullReport detailed subnet ALL url
report pdf MyFullReport detailed subnet ALL user
report pdf MyFullReport detailed vcircuit ALL discard
report pdf MyFullReport detailed vcircuit ALL optimizer
report pdf MyFullReport frequency on-demand custom
report pdf MyFullReport custom end "2014/02/13 09"
report pdf MyFullReport custom start "2014/02/14 16"