Continuity Audit Reports

ContinuityA feature provided by GFI OneConnect that queues the emails sent and received in a Data Center and ensures that your organization can keep the mail flow even when the email infrastructure is down. audit reports provide a history of Continuity activations and Continuity state transitions. The reports provide the name of user who initiated each state transition along with the time and date of the transition, the login status of users during an activation, and, if a recovery archive has been generated for the activation, the name and size of the archive.

Continuity audit reports show all available historical data collected for your organization.

To view a Full, Partial or Test ActivationThe process by which the administrators activates Continuity. When activation is enabled emails are queued in the GFI OneConnect Data Center, and users can use WebMail or the Outlook Extension to send and receive emails. History Report:

  1. Login to GFI OneConnect with an administrator account.
  2. From the top-right menu, navigate to Manage > Continuity.
  1. Navigate to Audit Reports.
  2. Under the Email Continuity section, click Activation History Report to view full or partial activations or Test Activation History Report to view test activations.
  3. All logged events are shown in the report page. Further views are available:
View Description
State Transitions Expand State Transitions to show the date, time and user of each state change of a particular activation.
View login records during this activation Click View login records during this activation to see users who logged into the service during an activation.
Search Click Search to narrow the records displayed to include only specific users by entering the usename or email address. You can use % as a wildcard in search
  1. To exclude users from a report, click Exclude in the Action column next to a user.
  2. Click Export to file to download all logged events to a CSVA comma serperated values file format. file.


When you export an audit report to CSV, all logged events are exported. The export file does not limit events based on any filter or search you may have applied to the displayed report.