Query Language Search

Search is an important feature of GFI OneConnect ArchiveA feature provided by GFI OneConnect that can archive all internal and external email into the GFI OneConnect Data Center. because it allows user to group email using various criteria. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with very large archive and information needs to be retrieved quickly.

Reviewer GroupArchive users who have the ability to search and read emails that are within the scope of a group of users. users can create query searches using two methods:

  • Query Builder. Using the web interface to define the parameters of the search.
  • Advanced Query Language. Using the in-built query capabilities of GFI OneConnect. This option allows building more complex search syntax with multiple conditions.
Which method should I use?

The Query builder uses a web interface that facilitates to build simple queries. This method is suitable for end users or simple queries. To learn more about Query Builder refer to http://go.gfi.com/?pageid=oneconnect_user_help#cshid=CompanySearch

The Advanced Query Language requires a deep knowledge of the search syntax. It is more suitable for administrator or complex searches that involve multiple variables.

Using Advanced Query Language

The Advanced Query Language uses the in-built query engine of GFI OneConnect to build up complex search queries.

To facilitate your query building:

  • Enclose phrases in double quotation marks.
  • Use parenthesis to group logic decisions.
  • Use a single wildcard such as a tilde, start, or exclamation point to return all results.

The Advanced Query allows administrators to create a single query with multiple conditions like:

  • Contains the subject X
  • From user Y or Z
  • Excluding mail sent in a determined date range


(mailsubject:"Quarterly Report" AND (senders:user@example.com OR senders:anotheruser@example.com) AND NOT emaildate:range(2017-01-31T23:00:00,2017-02-28T22:59:00)).

For more information refer to Advanced Query Language .

Search Limitations

Use Caution When Editing Generated Queries

Searches built with the Query Builder can be further edited clicking the Advanced Query Language tab. When editing a generated query, change these arguments with care, or the query may not return the expected search results.

Message Envelope Search Limitations

Message envelope searches (envrecipients and recipients query language fields) may return different results from a similar search done in Microsoft Outlook. That is due to the fact that the Advance Query Language can only search the envelope information that GFI OneConnect is able to capture.

For undisclosed recipient information (including Bcc recipients), the only addresses that will be captured are internal addresses included in a retention policy.

When searching for undisclosed recipients, the undisclosed recipient headers is not visible in the search results but the relevant messages are included in the result set.

Limitations When Formulating Long Queries

In Internet Explorer, the URLThe Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the address of a web page on the world wide web. length limit of 2083 characters can cause errors when executing a long discovery query. If a query URL exceeds the character limit, Internet Explorer will display an error message and the query will not execute.

This scenario is most likely when using the Query Language or Query Builder options to build a complex query containing many search parameters. Simple searches are not likely to trigger this issue.

One workaround is to use a web browser with longer URL character limits, such as Mozilla Firefox or Chrome. Another workaround is to narrow down the search to fewer parameters.