Advanced Query Language

The Advanced Query Language allows users to create a single query with multiple conditions.

How to use the Advanced Query Language

To access the Advance Query Language tab, login to GFI OneConnect with a user that is member of a reviewer groupArchive users who have the ability to search and read emails that are within the scope of a group of users. and under ArchiveA feature provided by GFI OneConnect that can archive all internal and external email into the GFI OneConnect Data Center. click Search company archives. In the Search page click Advance Query Language.

To start a search:

  1. Type the query in the format: field:term, where field is one of the elements of an email and term is the value you want to find. For example, mailsubject:”Quarterly Report”
  2. Add other conditions linking them with Boolean operators. For Example, (mailsubject:”Quarterly Report” AND