Adding Items to the Blacklist

By default, the GFI WebMonitor BlacklistA list that contains information about what should be blocked by GFI WebMonitor. does not contain any pre-configured websites. We recommend adding potentially unsafe sites to the Blacklist so that these are always blocked. These sites should include websites known for their malicious content or illegal material such as malware sites, bot nets and fraudulent websites.


The Blacklist functions using an OR method. Any item added to the list will be blocked.

To add an item to the Blacklist:

  1. Go to Manage > Policies > Blacklist.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Drag the Websites element into the policy builder.
  4. Insert the URLUniform Resource Locator. or IP of the website you want to block and click the add symbol.
  5. Drag any other elements from the left sidebar that you want to include.


Customization of system policies is limited to ensure that the intended policy function is not altered. In these policies, customization is limited to: Users, Groups or IPs, Websites filtering, notifications and logging.

  1. Click Save.