Outlook Extension Administration

The ContinuityA feature provided by GFI OneConnect that queues the emails sent and received in a Data Center and ensures that your organization can keep the mail flow even when the email infrastructure is down. Outlook Extension allows users to interface with various service features directly from their Outlook Inbox when Continuity is activated. (For information on how to use the Outlook Extension, refer to the online help provided with the Extension.) After the Outlook Extension has been installed, log in to GFI OneConnect, go to Manage > Continuity and click the Outlook Extension menu button.

The Outlook Extension management screen

The Outlook Client Information screen provides a list of users, and indicates whether they have installed the Extension and polled the data center. Various actions can be performed:

Action Description
View Outlook Extension user information

You can search for a specific user, then click the Details button to display:

  • The user’s login history, including which versions of the Outlook Extension and Microsoft Outlook are installed.
  • A list of policies that apply to the user.
Disable the extension for one user

To disable the extension for one user so that the Extension cannot be used by that user, click the Disable button adjacent to the user’s name. Click OK to confirm.

Disable Outlook Extension features for all users

To enable or disable Outlook Extension features for all users, click Manage Features. Select or unselect Email Continuity to enable or disable the Outlook Extension respectively.Click Submit.

Download the list of users To export the list of Outlook Extension users, click Export. Select to open or save the file in Excel format.