Reviewing template editing history and comparing versions

This topic provides valuable information about reviewing the template editing history and comparing template versions.

The figure below displays how a history tab looks like:

History tab

The history tab shows the changes made to the selected template. The following change information can be retrieved:

  • Version changes and the current version
  • Staff user that made the changes
  • Date and time when the changes were made
  • Changelog notes

Compare Versions

  • The template comparison tool allows you to visually compare templates, and it highlights the section that has been changed in the template.
  • You can view, compare, revert, collaborate and track template changes.
  • Click Compare and you are presented with the comparison output for that particular template. The following example shows the comparison between the changes made to the footer template.
  • Compare versions

  • In the figure above, the left-hand side shows the original code of the footer template, and the right-hand side shows the modified code.
  • It clearly shows that some code has been inserted on line number 4, hence making it easy to track and revert the changes.

Export diff File

  • The export diff tool exports the template code, as a patch file, that has been included or excluded from the original.
  • A + shows the lines or white spaces added and a - shows the lines that were present in the original but has been excluded during modification.
  • The figure below shows an example template code in an exported file.

Export diff file