Email Responsiveness

The Email Responsiveness report shows on average how long it takes employees to reply to emails.

MailInsights® Email Responsiveness

Filter the report using the following criteria:

Option Description

Specify date range or use default setting (Last 7 days). You can only select dates in the last 6 months.

Report for

Select user or group.

Include Specify number of results up to a maximum of 1000 recipients, default value is All.
Sort By

Specify sorting method. Options are:

  • By name (default)
  • By responsiveness
Report format Select the type of output. Reports can be exported as an attachment in PDF or Excel (.xlsx) format.

The generated report displays a bar chart representing users on the y-axis and responsiveness in hours on the x-axis. Data is sorted according to defined criteria.

Additional data is displayed in a table below the chart with the following information:

Option Description
User Name or email address of user.
Average responsiveness Average responsiveness for all emails (Hours).
Average Internal responsiveness

Average time to reply to internal users (Hours).

Average external responsiveness

Average time to reply to external emails (Hours).

For further information, refer to:

Generating MailInsights reports

Scheduling MailInsights reports