Communication Flow

The Communication Flow graph provides an overview of emails exchanged between selected users/groups and their contacts.

MailInsights® Communication Flow

Filter the report using the following criteria:

Option Description

Specify date range or use default setting. You can only select dates in the last 6 months.

Report for

Select user or group.

Recipients Select Internal, External or All.

Specify number of results up to a maximum of 1000 recipients. Default value is Top 20.

Report format Select the type of output. Reports can be exported as an attachment in PDF or Excel (.xlsx) format.

The generated report displays the selected user or group as a single entity in the middle of a graph. Contacts are segregated by domains. Each domain cluster is shown in different color. Edge width between the nodes shows the strength of the email relation between different entities.

The table below the graph shows the following information:

Option Description
Contact Email Contact email address
Sent Emails Total number of sent emails
Received Emails

Total number of received emails

Total Emails Total number of sent and received emails
Last Communication Date and time of last sent/received email.

For further information, refer to:

Generating MailInsights reports

Scheduling MailInsights reports