Viewing application traffic volume

The Applications report shows the top applications by volume and their average throughput. Volume and throughput data for single applications can be graphed by clicking the filter icon for the desired application in the data table below the graphs. Inbound and outbound LANLocal area network application traffic is reported separately.

To show all application traffic, add a category to represent the remaining application traffic on your network. Doing this allows the cumulative stack on the throughput chart to represent all the application traffic moving through the appliance.

This will help you understand the significance of the top applications relative to the whole. In addition to showing a stacked cumulative view, you can display the throughput as a line chart with a common zero baselineused by monitors and performance reports to establish a standard by which sunsequent performance can be measured. You can also display the application volumes as a pie chart.

These charts can answer questions such as:

  • What are the top applications on my network?
  • Are those top applications significant relative to the entire traffic?
  • How much bandwidth does my FTP application typically take?
  • Could one application be choking out the other application traffic?
  • Do any of my top applications appear to be limited?

Using this information, you can determine if you need to create policies for high data volume applications and applications that tend to have large data volume spikes. You may want to create protection policies for your business critical apps and limiting policies for high volume non-business critical applications like recreational applications. For more information refer to Adding a policy to the policy tree.

The Applications report shows traffic volume graphed over time.


Average bandwidth is calculated as the total bits observed in the charting interval divided by the number of seconds in that interval. E.g. For a chart with an hour of data, the intervals are five minutes.

If you drilled into the applications chart from any of the virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much, subnets, or hosts charts, then the relevant virtual circuit, subnet, or host will be shown on the filter bar below the button bar. To turn off the filtering, click on the close 'x' in the filter tag.