Understanding how GFI HelpDesk and KDFW work together

Any agent that is offering chat support needs to install KDFW and connect it to their GFI HelpDesk account. From here they can accept chat requests from your site visitors.

KDFW stands for Kayako Desktop for Windows.

Anytime a new chat request comes in, KDFW sends your team a notification. Once an agent accepts the chat, they can interact with the customer directly. They also have the option to join ongoing chats or initiate chats proactively, from the visitor list in KDFW's main window.

Kayako desktop for windows

Any chats that come in, whether an agent accepts them or not, appears in under Live Support in the staff control panel. Every message that goes back and forth is added to the chat history.

Now that you have a sense for how KDFW and GFI HelpDesk work together, let's look at some of the common tasks you'll be using KDFW for.