Transmission reports

GFI FaxMaker notifies the user about the status of sent faxes/SMS by sending a transmission report. The report contains details of the fax/SMS transmission. Optionally you can configure to include the fax content and fax body.

A sample fax transmission report

Configuring fax transmission reports

1. From GFI FaxMaker Configuration, right-click Advanced > Transmission reports and select Properties.

Fax transmission report options

2. Configure the following options:



Report successful outgoing FAX transmissions

Send a transmission report when a fax is sent successfully.

Include attachments with success reports

Includes the transmitted fax with successful transmission reports.

Report failed outgoing FAX transmissions

Send a transmission report when a fax fails.

Include attachments with failure reports

Includes the fax content with failed transmission reports.

Append original message body

Include the original fax message body in the transmission report, below the report text. Using this option allows users to re-submit faxes and find sent faxes.

Send one summary report when faxing to multiple recipients When sending a fax to multiple recipients, GFI FaxMaker sends the fax to each recipient individually. Select this option to group transmission reports in one summary report. When unselected, a transmission report is sent for each fax recipient.

3. Click OK.

Configuring SMS transmission reports

1. From GFI FaxMaker Configuration, right-click Advanced > Transmission reports and select Properties.

SMS transmission report options

2. From the SMS tab, configure:



Report successful outgoing SMS transmissions

Send a transmission report when an SMS is sent successfully.

Send one summary report when sending SMS to multiple recipients When sending an SMS to multiple recipients, GFI FaxMaker sends the SMS to each recipient individually. Select this option to group transmission reports in one summary report. When unselected, a transmission report is sent for each SMS recipient.


A report is always sent if transmission of SMS fails.

3. Click OK.

Customizing transmission reports

The template of transmission reports can be customized. To do this:

1. Navigate to <GFI FaxMaker installation folder>\data\reports.

2. Open the template to edit in Notepad:

Report template



Transmission reportAn email sent by GFI FaxMaker to internal users that contains information about sent/received faxes/SMS. for failed faxes


Fax report for received faxes


Fax report for sent faxes


Transmission report for failed SMS


Fax report for received SMS


Fax report for sent SMS

summarysent.fbt Summarized transmission report when a fax is sent to multiple recipients.
summarysent_details.fbt The details of failed fax transmissions. This section is appended to summarysent.fbt for each failed transmission.

3. Modify the file using the following fields. Some fields may not be applicable for certain reports.


Reports starting with html prefix (for example, htmlrecv.fbt), are the equivalent reports in HTML format. In this case use square brackets [ and ] for fields instead of angled brackets.




Transmission status


Transmission date


Transmission time


Shows both transmission date and time


Transmission speed


Duration of transmission


Number of pages sent


Total number of pages requested to be sent


The fax resolution.


Recipient’s line number


Local line number


GFI FaxMaker line number.


Number of retries that GFI FaxMaker tried to establish connection with recipient.


A description of the status of fax transmission.


The DTMFDual-tone multi-frequency signalling/DID number.


The subject of the email requesting the fax transmission.


The billing code.


Recipient’s last name


Recipient’s first name


Recipient’s display name


Recipient’s company name


Recipient’s department


Recipient’s email address


Recipient’s fax number


Recipient’s phone number


Sender’s last name


Sender’s first name


Sender’s name


Sender’s company name


Sender’s department


Sender’s email address


Sender’s fax number


Sender’s phone number


Total number of faxes (summary reports only)


Number of faxes sent successfully (summary reports only)


Number of faxes that failed transmission (summary reports only)