This topic provides details about the REST - CustomField API call that GFI HelpDesk uses, including its field types, arguments, and responses.
API supported in version > v 4.40.882.
The type of custom field (for example - text area, select box) is denoted by a unique identifier.
Field type | Identifier |
Text | 1 |
Text area | 2 |
Password | 3 |
Checkbox | 4 |
Radio | 5 |
Select | 6 |
Multi select | 7 |
Custom | 8 |
Link select fields | 9 |
Date | 10 |
File | 11 |
This instruction retrieves a list of custom fields.
<customfield customfieldid="1" customfieldgroupid="1"title="Customer ID" fieldtype="1" fieldname="cn4ezfbjzyoj"defaultvalue="" isrequired="0" usereditable="0" staffeditable="1"regexpvalidate="" displayorder="1" encryptindb="0"description=""></customfield>
<customfield customfieldid="2" customfieldgroupid="1"title="Product" fieldtype="6" fieldname="llcut44uri9d" defaultvalue=""isrequired="0" usereditable="0" staffeditable="1" regexpvalidate=""displayorder="2" encryptindb="0" description=""></customfield>
Retrieve the list of custom field options.
Arguments (POST variables)
Name | Description |
$customfieldid$ | The custom field ID to retrieve the options for. |
<option customfieldoptionid="1" customfieldid="2"optionvalue="Resolve" displayorder="2" isselected="0"parentcustomfieldoptionid="0"></option>
<option customfieldoptionid="2" customfieldid="2"optionvalue="Engage" displayorder="3" isselected="0"parentcustomfieldoptionid="0"></option>