
The Search Index feature within GFI Archiver automatically indexes new email content archived in the corresponding archive store. This constantly updated search enables users to perform precise and fast searches.

This section will show you how to configure the frequency with which GFI Archiver shall index new archived emails into the search indexes. You will also learn how to force a full search index rebuild, in cases where you might suspect that the search index is no longer valid.

Important Notes

1. Search indexes must always reside on a local hard drive. Indexing will not be available if the index path is specified via a UNC path.

2. For best performance, locate the search index on a separate physical drive than where:

3. Indexes are used only for searches. Users are always able to view the new archived emails through the browse feature notwithstanding the fact whether emails are indexed or not.

See also:

Configuring Indexing frequency

Configuring Index File Location Credentials

Configuring the Language Analyzer