Scheduling Archive Stores

The Archive Store Schedule enables you to set the frequency with which GFI Archiver automatically starts archiving emails to a new Archive Store.


Changing these settings can affect performance. We recommend configuring your Archive StoresA collection of email sources, email metadata and search indexes within GFI Archiver to roll-over on a Bi-Monthly schedule. This way, databases should stay at a more manageable size, which is beneficial if there is a need to move the database or rebuilding its search index. A Bi-Monthly archive store should also have some performance gains when searching. For example, to search for an email dated February 2012, GFI Archiver searches a small Bi-Monthly database instead of a large yearly database, hence providing faster retrieval.

GFI Archiver changes the Archive Store based on a specifically configured time schedule. This feature is available for all types of databases used with Archive Stores. The available options are:

  • Monthly
  • Bi-Monthly (default)
  • Quarterly
  • Half yearly
  • Yearly


If an Archive Store exceeds the maximum database size, GFI Archiver automatically creates a new Archive Store based on the configured New Archive Store Settings. This feature is only available for Archive Stores based on SQL Server® Express databases.

To change the Archive Store Schedule:

1. From Configuration tab, click Archive Stores.

2. Select Schedule Archive.

3. Select one of the available options and click Save.