How do I reset the password for a user if I’ve lost access to the WebAdmin of Kerio Connect?

If you lose your administrator account for Kerio Connect administration, you can reset it by modifying the users.cfg file.

Resetting the admin password


  1. Stop the Kerio Connect Engine — right-click the engine monitor icon in the system tray area and select Stop Kerio Connect.
  2. Go to the Kerio Connect installation directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer.
  3. Edit the users.cfg file in a text editor.
  4. Restart Kerio Connect engine.
  5. Log in to the administration using an empty password.


  1. Login to the system as the root user.
  2. Click the Stop button in the Kerio Connect Monitor.
  3. Go to the Kerio Connect installation directory. The default location is usr/local/kerio/mailserver.
  4. Edit the users.cfg file in a text editor.
  5. Restart Kerio Connect engine.
  6. Log in to the administration using an empty password.


  1. Stop the Kerio Connect Engine. run the following command:/etc/init.dl/kerio-connect stop
  2. Go to the Kerio Connect installation directory. The default location is opt/kerio/mailserver.
  3. Edit the users.cfg file in a text editor.
  4. Restart Kerio Connect engine.
  5. Log in to the administration using an empty password.

Editing the users.cfg file

  1. Open the users.cfg file in text editor.
  2. Search for the name of the admin account in the list: <variable name="Name">. For example: <variable name="Name">jsmith</variable>
  3. Under the administrator's name, search for the line with <variable name="Password">. For example: <variable name="Password">D3S:1234ab56c7de89</variable>
  4. Change the "password variable to NUL:. For example: <variable name="Password">NUL:</variable>
  5. Under the same administrator's name, search for the line with <variable name=”Rights”>0</variable>
  6. Change the value from 0 to 1. For example, <variable name=”Rights”>1</variable>
  7. Save the file.


When you log in to the administration, create a new password right away.

Alternate Solution

  1. Stop the Kerio Connect Engine.
  2. Open mailserver.cfg in a text editor.


  • In Mac, use your root account to edit.
    1. Under Administration table, set BuiltInAdmin to 1
    2. Change BuiltInAdminUsername to kerioadmin.
    3. Delete the value set for BuiltInAdminPassword.
    4. Save the file.
    5. Start the Kerio Connect Server Engine. You should be able to log in using kerioadmin as the username without any password.
    6. Go to Webadmin >Configuration > Administration settings and set a password.