Policy ordering matters

Given the top-down evaluation order, if you have multiple virtual circuits that could match the same traffic although one is more specific than the other, the more specific virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much needs to be ordered higher in the circuit's list of virtual circuits as compared to the more general virtual circuit. Otherwise the traffic would be caught by the general virtual circuit and would never reach the more specific virtual circuit. This is true for policies as well. That is, more specific policies need to be ordered higher in the virtual circuit's set of policies as compared to more general virtual circuits.


Consider the scenario where you throttle streaming traffic to 5% of your network and yet John is getting most of that 5%. You could create a policy that throttles John's streaming to 2%. John's streaming policy needs to be ordered higher in the policy tree than the general streaming policy or else his traffic will be handled by the general policy and his traffic will never be evaluated against the policy that was created specifically for his traffic.

To reorder policies

For each policy that you would like moved, edit the ranking number to the order you would like, then select Reorder from the Actions menu on the right-hand-side. For example, if there are already policies with ranking order 10, 20, and 30, and you want to swap the order of the policies with ranking order 20 and 30, then either change the ranking order of 30 to be between 10 and 20, say 15, or change the ranking order of 20 to be after 30, say 35. In either case, select Reorder from the Actions menu on the right-hand-side of the policy that changed its ranking number to submit this change.

To reorder virtual circuits

For each virtual circuit that you would like moved, edit the virtual circuit by selecting Edit from the Actions menu on the right-hand-side. Then modify the rank, which is the editable text field as part of the Virtual Circuit Number. For example, if there are already virtual circuits with ranking order 10, 20, and 30, and you want to swap the order of the virtual circuits with ranking order 20 and 30, then either change the ranking order of 30 to be between 10 and 20, say 15, or change the ranking order of 20 to be after 30, say 35. In either case, select Reorder from the Actions menu on the right-hand-side of the virtual circuit that changed its ranking number to submit this change.