Fax and SMS domain names

When installing GFI FaxMaker, connectors are configured on the mail server (either automatically or manually) to route all emails addressed to particular domains to GFI FaxMaker. The default fax and SMS domains are *@faxmaker.com and *@smsmaker.com.

When domain users send emails to these domains, the mail server routes these emails to GFI FaxMaker which converts and transmits them over fax or SMS.

For example, with the default fax domain, users can send a fax to number 123456 by composing an email addressed to 123456@faxmaker.com.

Modifying the default fax and SMS domain names

IMPORTANT - Use this feature with caution.

Failing to complete the steps described in this topic will hinder mail flow and consequently fax transmission.

It is recommended to only modify the domain names when constraints in the mail environment do not allow using the default domain names. For example, when using Microsoft® Office 365 Email only account types.

GFI FaxMaker enables modification of the default fax and SMS domain names. When these are modified, users send an email addressed to the custom domain name.

For example, when modifying the fax domain name to fax.mydomain.com, users can send a fax to number 123456 by composing an email addressed to 123456@fax.mydomain.com.