DNS Lookup
DNSA database used by TCP/IP networks that enables the translation of hostnames into IP numbers and to provide other domain related information. lookup resolves domain names into the corresponding IP address and retrieves particular information from the target domain (for example, MX record, etc.).
To resolve a domain/host name:
1. Launch GFI LanGuard.
2. Click Utilities tab and select DNS Lookup in the left pane under Tools.
3. Specify the hostname to resolve in Hostname/IP to resolve.
4. Under Common Tasks in the left pane, click on Edit DNS Lookup options or click Options on the right pane and specify the information described below:
Some DNS entries do not contain certain information for security reasons.
DNS Lookup tool options
5. (Optional) Specify the alternative DNS server that will be queried by the DNS Lookup tool or leave as default to use the default DNS server.
6. Click Retrieve to start the process.