Installing the Virtual Appliance on XenServer

  1. Liaise with your local Exinda representative to obtain the download files.
  2. Download the Virtual Appliance XVA file.
  3. Open your Citrix XenCenter client and select File > Import...
  4. Select the Virtual Appliance XVA file, and click Next.
  5. Select the target XenServer to deploy the Virtual Appliance, and click Next.
  6. Choose the storage location for the Virtual Appliance. By default, the Virtual Appliance comes with a single, 50GB disk. Additional storage can be added in the form of another disk after the Virtual Appliance has been deployed. For more information refer to Add storage to the XenServer virtual appliance. Then click Next.
  7. Choose the NIC mapping. By default, the Virtual Appliance comes with 4 NICs. The first NIC is the Management Interface, and you should connect it to a network that allows you to manage the Virtual Appliance. The second NIC is an AUX Interface, and is usually used for clustering, high availability or out-of-path deployments. This interface can be left disconnected if not required. In order to fully deploy the Virtual Appliance in line, you may need the additional NICs beyond the four in the configuration. For more information refer to Additional NICs. Then click Next.
  8. Review the information and clear the 'Start VM(s) after import' box if you want to add extra NICs or storage, and click Finish to deploy the Virtual Appliance.
  9. Select the Exinda virtual machine you are importing, and switch to the Log tab to see the progress and the completion notification.


It is highly recommend that you import the virtual machine on a Gigabit network connection or local storage, as the import file is large in size and installation is affected by slowly performing networks.

  1. Right-click on the imported Exinda and select Start the Exinda virtual appliance. You will see the progress bar screen below in the Log tab indicating you have successfully started the virtual appliance.
  2. On the XenCenter Console tab of the Exinda virtual machine, type the credentials and the default parameters as part of the first time wizard setup. The default user name is admin, and the password is exinda.
  3. Press Enter to read the EULA agreement. Press Ctrl-C to get to the EULA agreement question.
  4. Press Y to accept the EULA agreement and press Enter.
  5. You will be prompted with a series of questions as part of the initial configuration Wizard. It is recommended you accept the defaults, as you have the option to configure the system later from the Exinda GUI. Press Yes. Use the following defaults to complete the wizard configuration.
  • Select No to disable IPv6.
  • Select Yes to configure ETH0 for management access. This will disable the BR0 bridge.
  • Select Yes to use DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol on ETH0.
  • Select null to default to the Exinda hostname.
  • Select null for SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol server address.
  • Select null for email address for reports and alerts.
  • Select null to use the default password which is “exinda”.
  • Select Yes to change the interface speed.
  • Select AUTO to configure the interface speed on ETH0 (assumes a gigabit NIC).

You have successfully completed the wizard setup.

  1. Determine the IPInternet protocol address of your Exinda virtual appliance on the XenServer Network tab of the Exinda virtual machine and note the IP address assigned by default to NIC 0.
  2. Browse to the Dashboard tab and find the Host-ID that the XenServer host created for this virtual machine.

Related Topics

Once the appliance is deployed, review the following sections: