Virtual Circuits
Virtual Circuits are created within Circuits and are used to logically divide or partition the circuit. The virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much defines what traffic is processed in this partition, how much bandwidth it is allowed, and whether to enforce fair sharing among the network hosts. Traffic is evaluated against the definition of the virtual circuit. Traffic that does not fall within the virtual circuit is evaluated by the next virtual circuit and so on.
You have the option of creating a virtual circuit within the Configuration Library first, and then later assigning it to a circuit in the Optimizer Policy Tree, or you can create the virtual circuit directly within the Optimizer Policy Tree, which also saves it as a Library item . The virtual circuits within a tenant must have unique names. When a virtual circuit is modified, all instances of its use are modified.
To learn how circuits, virtual circuits, policy sets, and policy rules work together, see Policy Tree.
Where do I find Virtual Circuits?
Virtual Circuit librarythe Exinda repository for network objects and their definitions items can be found in Library > Virtual Circuits. Also, the virtual circuits that will be sent to appliances are found in the policy trees for each appliance group. Go to the (desired appliance group) > Optimizer Policy Tree.
To create a Virtual Circuit in the Configuration Library
- Go to Library > Virtual Circuits.
- Click Create new virtual circuit.
- In the Name section, key-in a name for the virtual circuit. The name must be unique within the tenant.
If you want, you can leave the EMCExinda Management Center, SaaS service to centrally monitor and configure multiple Exinda appliances to define a name for you, It does this based on the configuration of the virtual circuit.
- In the Filter section, select the combination of filters to apply to the virtual circuit. Optionally, type a value to limit the number of connections at one time on this virtual circuit.
The virtual circuit can partition the circuit by filtering the traffic based on these filters. You can apply any combination of these filters. Defined network objecta logical definition created and stored in the Exinda lilbrary, can represent any network component library items appear in the Network Object list, and you can also choose filters from the pre-defined application groups.
- In the Bandwidth section, type the desired bandwidth for this virtual circuit.
- Also specify how to share bandwidth with other virtual circuits when there is insufficient bandwidth due to over subscription..
The bandwidth can be specified in %, Kbps, Mbps or Gbps.
- In the Dynamic Virtual Circuit section, set the options that provide the control you need.
See For more information refer to Dynamic Virtual Circuits. for more information about configuring dynamic virtual circuits.
- In the Schedule section, set the time values for when the virtual circuit will be enforced.
Options in the list are determined by the library Schedules category
- Click the Create button. The virtual circuit is added to the Virtual Circuits Library category.
To create a new Virtual Circuit directly in the Optimizer Policy Tree
- Go to (desired appliance group) > Optimizer Policy Tree.
- Click Create new virtual circuit.
- In the Name section, key-in a name for the virtual circuit. The name must be unique within the tenant.
If you want, you can leave the EMC to define a name for you, It does this based on the configuration of the virtual circuit.
- In the Filter section, select the combination of filters to apply to the virtual circuit. Optionally, type a value to limit the number of connections at one time on this virtual circuit.
The virtual circuit can partition the circuit by filtering the traffic based on these filters. You can apply any combination of these filters. Defined network object library items appear in the Network Object list, and you can also choose filters from the pre-defined application groups.
- In the Bandwidth section, type the desired bandwidth for this virtual circuit.
- Also specify how to share bandwidth with other virtual circuits when there is insufficient bandwidth due to over subscription..
The bandwidth can be specified in %, Kbps, Mbps or Gbps.
- In the Dynamic Virtual Circuit section, set the options that provide the control you need.
See For more information refer to Dynamic Virtual Circuits. for more information about configuring dynamic virtual circuits.
- In the Schedule section, set the time values for when the virtual circuit will be enforced.
Options in the list are determined by the library Schedules category
- Click the Create button. The virtual circuit is added to the Circuit within the Optimizer Policy Tree and is also saved to the Configuration Library.
To add a Virtual Circuit from the Library to a Policy Tree
- Go to (desired appliance group) > Optimizer Policy Tree.
- Click Add Virtual Circuit from library.
- Select the desired virtual circuit from the drop-down list.