Sample fax XMLAPI

The below is a sample fax XMLAPI that sends a fax with subject Proforma Invoice to two recipients - John Bloggs and Bob Jones. For this example, two other files are used:

  • Attachment: an attachment mswordfile.doc
  • Body file: a plain text file bodyfile.txt

These files are stored in c:\temp\ before storing the XMLAPI in the pickup folder. They will be deleted from c:\temp\ when the fax is picked up by GFI FaxMaker.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<subject>Proforma Invoice</subject>
		<faxline demandline="true">3</faxline>
		<faxheader>this is fax header text</faxheader>
		<bodyfile type="text/plain">
		<company>MyCompany Ltd.</company>
		<faxnumber>1234 5678</faxnumber>
		<voicenumber>9876 5432</voicenumber>
				<company>JohnBloggs Company</company>
				<faxnumber>1122 3344</faxnumber>
				<voicenumber>5566 7788</voicenumber>
				<company>BobJones Company</company>
				<faxnumber>9988 7766</faxnumber>
				<voicenumber>5544 3322</voicenumber>