Limit Bandwidth Per Host


Limit bandwidth to 100 kbps for each internal host.

In this Dynamic Virtual Circuit, each host is limited to a maximum bandwidth of 100 kbps.

With Max Hosts set to "Auto", a maximum of 5000 hosts can fall into this Dynamic Virtual Circuit. This is calculated by assuming each host is entitled to a minimum bandwidth of 10 kbps as "Automatically Share" is selected.


Limit bandwidth to 100 kbps for each internal host. Further limit P2P traffic to a maximum of 32 kbps across ALL hosts.

In this example, each host will receive between 10 and 100 kbps. In additional, P2P traffic summed across all hosts is capped at 32 kbps, with a guaranteed rate of 16 kbps. To further illustrate this example, suppose there are 100 active users, all using P2P applications on the WANWide Area Network. The per host bandwidth is 100 kbps, but the P2P policy caps bandwidth at 32 kbps which will be fairly shared between each user. So we would expect to see P2P traffic per user at approx 320 bps.