Preparing & Trusting a Certificate for Encrypted Traffic

When caching encrypted content, you need to specify a certificate that Edge Cache can use to create and sign a dynamically created certificate on behalf of the server. You need to ensure that this certificate is trusted by all the computers on your network that have traffic passing through Edge Cache. It is recommended that you create a self-signed CA certificate (as opposed to a self-signed certificate without the CA designation) to simplify the loading and trusting of the certificate by the computers in your network.

How to create a self-signed CA certificate for Edge Cache to use

When using Edge Cache for encrypted traffic, you must create and import a signing certificate in the Certificates and Keys store. This certificate and its corresponding key are used by Edge Cache to generate and sign dynamic SSL certificates for proxied sites. For all practical purposes, this certificate becomes a root certificate and you become a Root CA.

How to export the certificate for use on client computers

If the browsers in your network do not trust the certificate, you may get a warning or the sites may fail to load. In this case, each computer needs to import the certificate so that the certificate will be trusted when negotiating with Edge Cache over SSL.

You will need to export the certificate from the appliance and import it to the desired computers.

To export the certificate from the appliance:

  1. Go to Configuration > System > Certificates > CA Certificates and find your desired certificate in the list.
  2. Export the certificate by clicking the Export button.
  3. Ensure that the Export Certificate Format is set to PEM. The PEM format encodes the certificate and private key. It may include an entire certificate chain including public key, private key, and root certificates.
  4. Click the Save button.

How to deliver and install the certificate on machines across your network

The method used to install the trusted certificate on client machines depends upon both the browser and the operating system: