Creating adaptive response rules with CLI

Adaptive Response rules can be created using the CLICommnad line interface (in configure terminal mode):

adaptive limit <limit-name> network-object source <src> destination <dst>

adaptive limit <limit-name> amount <N (mb)>

adaptive limit <limit-name> duration <daily|weekly|monthly>

adaptive limit <limit-name> direction <inbound|outbound|both>

adaptive limit <limit-name> enable


Create an Adaptive Response rule which adds IPInternet protocol addresses from the static Students Network Object to the Dynamic Network Object Students-Over-Quota, once 200 MB has been downloaded per day.

adaptive limit Students-AR network-object source Students destination Students-Over-Quota
adaptive limit Students-AR amount 200
adaptive limit Students-AR duration daily
adaptive limit Students-AR direction inbound
adaptive limit Students-AR enable

See the following topics for more information: