Other hosted email

This topic explains how to setup an environment for fax server integration with a hosted mail server. Use your preferred hosted email service to forward fax emails designated to GFI FaxMaker.

Users typically send fax or SMS by sending an email to number@faxmaker.com and number@smsmaker.com. The mail server routes emails addressed to *@faxmaker.com and *@smsmaker.com to GFI FaxMaker. If your mail provider does not allow routing to domain, configure alias domains dedicated for fax and SMS, for example fax.mydomain.com.


  1. Your hosted mail server configuration procedure may differ than the instructions provided in this topic. For more information refer to the service provider’s help.
  2. These instructions apply to fax subdomains. Repeat procedure for SMS domain if required.


While editing and configuring A (Host) and MX records, ensure that you are setting the records for the fax and SMS subdomains only. Changes to the A (Host) and MX records for the primary domain can disrupt email/web traffic for that domain.