Configuring Archive Store - SQL Server®

If you have opted to use a Microsoft® SQL Server, Microsoft® SQL Server with File Storage or SQL Server® Express with File Storage, you will now be guided to set up a new Archive Store settings.


Ensure SQL Server® is installed in Mixed Mode authentication and TCP IP is enabled.

Archive Store creation: Select database

1. In the Database Server Details screen, choose an SQL Server® from the list of automatically discovered servers or manually provide the details.

Option Description
Select the database server to use to store the archived emails.

Enables you to select a SQL Server® from the list of discovered Microsoft® SQL Servers. Click Recheck to recheck for any servers that might have come online since the page loaded.

Manually specify the database server to use to archive your emails.

Choose this option to disregard the list of discovered Microsoft® SQL Servers and to specify the details of the server used for your Archive Store.

2. Click Next to continue.

3. If, in the previous screen, you chose to manually specify the details used to store your archived emails, provide the Microsoft® SQL Server database name in the Database Server field. If a database server was selected, continue with the next step.

4. Select the authentication method used to connect to the selected SQL Server®.

Option Description
Integrated Windows Authentication

Uses the login credentials of the currently logged on user to access the SQL Server®. Keying in a username and a password is not required.

Microsoft SQL ServerA Microsoft relational database management system. Authentication

Uses the username and password provided in the Username and Password fields to access the SQL Server®.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. Provide the paths for the SQL Server® data (.mdf) and log (.ldf) files. If an existing database was selected, skip to the next step.

Option Description
Use the default path as defined in the Microsoft SQL Server

Instructs GFI Archiver to use the default paths configured within SQL Server®. Uncheck this option to configure alternate paths.

Data file location

Defines the location used by GFI Archiver to store data files. Key in or click Browse… to select the path.

Use the same path for both data file and log file.

Instructs GFI Archiver to use the path in the Data & Log File Location text box as the location for the Log file.

Uncheck this option to key in a custom log file location.

Log File Location

Defines the location used by GFI Archiver to store the log files. Key in or click Browse… to select the path.

7. Click Next to continue.

Archive Store creation: Select locations

8. Provide the file locations required for the type of selected SQL Server® type.


Some options are not selectable depending on the chosen SQL Server® type.

For example, selecting Microsoft SQL Server with File Storage disables Database File Location and Email File Location options.

Option Description
Email file location

Defines the location where the email data will be located. Key in or click Browse… to select a location where to store this file.


UNC paths are allowed.

Use the following login and password to access the above UNC path

Enable this option to allow input in the Login: and Password: fields. The credentials keyed in will be used to access the UNC paths selected.

Search Index location

Defines the location where the email search index will be located. Key in or click Browse… to select a location where to store this file.


UNC paths are allowed provided that the Search service has read/write access to the location. For more information refer to Configuring Index File Location Credentials.

9. Click Next to continue.

10. (Optional) Check Create a new Archive Store now to let GFI Archiver create the first archive store. A welcome email is sent by GFI Archiver to confirm that the new archive store has been created.

11. Click Finish.