Importing users to GFI FaxMaker

The user import feature enables the addition of users to GFI FaxMaker from GFI Directory or from Windows®.


  1. This feature is only available when GFI FaxMaker uses GFI Directory as a user directory service.
  2. To import users from a CSV, first import the CSV in GFI Directory and then use this tool to import the users to GFI FaxMaker. For more information on how to import users from a CSV in GFI Directory refer to

Importing users from GFI Directory

Right-click Licensed users and select Import users…. From Source, choose from where to get the users to import.

Source Description
GFI Directory Add users from GFI Directory. Select the users to import and click Add.
Local machine

Import Windows® user accounts from the GFI FaxMaker server. Select the users to import and click Add.

NOTE: Since Windows account users do not have an email address available, one needs to be configured. To use the account name and append a domain to it, specify the email domain in the Add domain to username field. For example if the username is JohnSmith and the domain is, the generated email address is If the email address is different, you can change the email address later from Licensed users screen.

Remote machine

Import Windows® user accounts from a separate server. Key in the remote server name or IP address and click List users. Select the users to import and click Add.

NOTE: Since Windows account users do not have an email address available, one needs to be configured. To use the account name and append a domain to it, specify the email domain in the Add domain to username field. For example if the username is JohnSmith and the domain is, the generated email address is If the email address is different, you can change the email address later from Licensed users screen.

On selecting all users to add, click OK. Users are now included in the Licensed Users screen and can start using GFI FaxMaker.

For users to login and send faxes/SMS using the web client, send them a Welcome email so that they can set an account password. Select the added users and click Send welcome instructions.