Matching packets to ToS/DSCP values
When defining Optimizer Policies on the Exinda appliance, there is a ToS/DSCPDifferentiated Services Code Point drop down that allows users to match only those packets with the specified ToS/DSCP value.
Optimizer Policy configuration page.
Users can select the appropriate DSCP/ToS value from this drop down field and any packets that match this ToS/DSCP value will be applied to this policy.
VoIP equipment in a user’s network may be configured to mark all outgoing packets as DSCP EF (decimal 46). VoIP is a real-time application and the user wishes to prioritize this with a high priority policy that guarantees VoIP a certain amount of WANWide Area Network bandwidth. To achieve this, the user selects ‘DSCP 46’ from the ToS/DSCP drop down and configures the appropriate bandwidth allocation in this policy.