Configuring a router for virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP) with policy-based routing (PBR)

To use VRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol with PBR, specify the behaviour of the router interfaces that connect to the LANLocal area network, WANWide Area Network, and the out-of-path Exinda Appliances.

  1. Launch the router command line interface.
  • To enter privileged EXEC (enable) mode, at the prompt run the command: hostname > enable

The hostname # prompt appears.

  • To enter configuration (config) mode, at the prompt run the commands: hostname # configure terminal

The hostname (config)# prompt appears.

  1. Configure the interface parameters for the switch installed between the router and the out-of-path Exinda Appliances (Gig0/0).
  1. Specify the interface to configure: hostname (config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
  2. Set the IPInternet protocol address of the out-of-path Exinda Appliance: hostname (config-if)# ip address
  3. Set the duplex and speed parameters for the interface:

hostname (config-if)# duplex auto
hostname (config-if)# speed auto

  1. Configure the parameters for the WAN interface (Gig0/1).
  1. Specify the interface to configure: hostname (config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/1
  2. Set the IP address and netmask of the WAN interface: hostname (config-if)# ip address
  3. Set the route map for policy routing to asymmetrical: hostname (config-if)# ip policy route-map Asym
  4. Set the duplex and speed parameters for the interface:

hostname (config-if)# duplex auto
hostname (config-if)# speed auto

  1. Configure the parameters for the LAN interface (Fa0/1).
  1. Specify the interface to configure: hostname (config)# interface FastEthernet0/1
  2. Set the IP address and netmask of the LAN interface: hostname (config-if)# ip address
  3. Set the route map for policy routing with the name Asym: hostname (config-if)# ip policy route-map Asym
  4. Set the duplex and speed parameters for the interface:

hostname (config-if)# duplex auto
hostname (config-if)# speed auto

  1. Create an access list named 120 that allows devices in the specified IP address range to access the network:

hostname (config)# access-list 120 permit ip
hostname (config)# access-list 120 permit ip

  1. Configure the route map to allow access to the routes specified in the access list (120), and route the traffic to the router:

route-map Asym permit 10
match ip address 120
set ip next-hop