Limiting the number of hosts sharing bandwidth

Use the following instructions to limit the number of hosts sharing the available bandwidth.

On the Add New Virtual Circuit form, do the following:

  1. Select the Dynamic Virtual Circuit checkbox.
  2. Set the DVC settings to:
  • Per Host Bandwidth: – Select the Automatically Share checkbox
  • Per User Max Bandwidth: – Set to 100%
  • Max Hosts: – Type a suitable number

This ensures that only the specified number of hosts are managed by this virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much, and that all the hosts in the virtual circuit automatically share the bandwidth equally.


Consider a 50 Mbps virtual circuit bandwidth and 100 hosts as a maximum.

  • If there is one host, it gets all 50 Mbps,
  • If there are ten hosts, they each get 5 Mbps.
  • If there are 100 hosts, they each get 500 kbps.
  • If there are more than 100 hosts, the additional hosts will not match this virtual circuit.

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