Enable MAPI Acceleration on the Exinda Appliances

Turn Acceleration ON for the policy that captures MAPI traffic. By default, MAPI falls into the Mail policy.

  1. On your browser, open the Exinda Web UI (https://Exinda_IPInternet protocol_address).
  2. Key-in the User and Password.
  3. Click Login.
  1. Click Configuration > Optimizer.
  2. At the end of the Virtual Circuit policy list, type a priority number in the Order field, and select Mail - Guarantee Low 5%-100% - Accelerate.
  3. Click Add to WANWide Area Network outbound. The policy is added to the active policies for the virtual circuitlogical definitions that partition a a physical network circuit and used to determine what traffic passes through it and how much.

  1. To restart the Optimizer, in the system toolbar click Restart.


This can be done by following the Optimizer Wizard in the Basic User Interface. Select ‘Yes’ when asked if you would like to accelerate.