
You can use the acceleration prepopulation command to configure prepopulation objects.

acceleration prepopulate <name> {location|password|recursive|start|stop|username}

To specify the location of the cache:

acceleration prepopulate <name> location {cifs|http} <server> <path>

  • prepopulate <name> - Specify a name for prepopulation object
  • location cifs <server> <path> - Specify the server and path for the cifs source material
  • location http <server> <path> - Specify the server and path for the http source material

To specify the credentials to access the server::

acceleration prepopulate <name> username <username>

acceleration prepopulate <name> password <pwd>

  • password <pwd> - Specify the clear text password

To recursively fetch all the files in the specified directory, as well as those in sub-directories:

[no] acceleration prepopulate <name> recursive

To start or stop prepopulating:

acceleration prepopulate <name> {start|stop}

To remove a prepopulation object:

no acceleration prepopulate <prepopulate-name>

acceleration prepopulate clear <prepopulate-name>

acceleration prepopulate clear all - Remove all prepopulation objects