Using EsmReport.exe

EsmReport.exe enables you to generate in-product reports such as configuration and job activity reports.

To use EsmReport.exe:

1. Click Start > Run and key in CMD.

2. Click Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run CMD with elevated privileges.

3. Change the directory to the GFI EventsManager install directory. Example:

CD C:\Program Files\GFI\EventsManager

4. Key in EsmReport.exe followed by any of the following functions:

Generate Configuration reports

This function enables you to generate Configuration reports about a single or group of event sources. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description

Specify the type of report you want to generate. Supported values are:

  • configuration
  • status
  • events.

Key in /type:configuration to generate a configuration report.


Specify the folder path where the generated report is saved.


Parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ().


Specify the format of the report. Supported values are:

  • html
  • csv.

Specify the event source name. Use this parameter to generate a configuration report about a single event source.


Parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ().


Specify the event source group name. Use this parameter to generate a configuration report about a group of event sources.


Parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ().


EsmReport.exe /type:configuration /target:C:\ReportsFolder /format:html /group:"Domain Controllers"

Generate Status reports

This function enables you to generate GFI EventsManager Status reports. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description

Specify the type of report you want to generate. Supported values are:

  • configuration
  • status
  • events.

Key in /type:status to generate a status report.


Specify the type of status report you want to generate. Supported values are:

  • messages - when messages is specified, the following parameters can be used:
  • /period:<current|date> - key in current to generate a report containing messages generated on the same day. Else key in a date to generate a status report containing messages generated on the specified date.
  • stats - when stats is specified as a subtype, the following parameters can be used:
  • /format:<html|csv> - specify the format of the report. Supported values are HTML and CSV
  • /period:<"all time"|date> - specify the timeframe that the report is based on. Supported values include "all time" or else a specific date
  • /options:<"error messages"|"only with issues"> - specify the type of stats to generate. Supported values are "error messages" and "only with issues"
  • /target:<path> - specify the folder path where the report is saved.


Parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ().

Messages example

EsmReport.exe /type:status /subtype:messages /period:"current date"

Stats example

EsmReport.exe /type:status /subtype:stats /format:html /period:20130111 /options:"error messages" /target:C:\StatsReports

Generate Events reports

This function enables you to generate Events reports. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description

Specify the type of report you want to generate. Supported values are:

  • configuration
  • status
  • events.

Key in /type:events to generate an events report.


Specify a name for the generated report.


Parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ().


Specify a unique ID for the generated report.


Parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ().


Specify the folder path where the report is saved.


Parameters that contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ().


Specify the format of the report. Supported values are:

  • html
  • csv.
/datefrom:<startDate> Specify the start date of the timeframe to report on.
/dateto:<endDate> Specify the end date of the timeframe to report on.
/scheduled Specify this parameter to generate the report based on schedule settings configured in the Management Console.


EsmReport.exe /type:events /repname:"New Events Report" /repid:11 /target:C:\ReportsFolder /format:html /datefrom:20121201 /dateto:20130111