About GFI EventsManager
The enormous volume of system event logs generated daily is of growing importance to organizations that must record information for forensic and compliance purposes. It is essential to perform real-time network-wide event log monitoring, analysis and reporting to address any incidents or security concerns and combat threats to business continuity.
GFI EventsManager assists with this monumental task by automatically and centrally monitoring and managing event logs - supporting a wide range of event types generated both by applications and devices from top vendors as well as for custom ones.
GFI EventsManager integrates into any existing IT infrastructure
GFI EventsManager is a results oriented event log management solution which integrates into any existing IT infrastructure, automating and simplifying the tasks involved in network-wide events management.
Through the features supported by GFI EventsManager, you are able to:
- Automatically monitor computers and network devices through GFI EventsManager's wide range of event log support; such as Text Logs, Windows® Event Logs, Syslogs, SNMP TrapsNotifications/alerts generated and transmitted by active network components (Example: hubs, routers and bridges) to SNMP server(s) whenever important events such as faults or security violations occur. Data contained in SNMP Traps may contain configuration, status as well as statistical information such as number of device failures to date. Messages, Active Monitoring Events and even custom event logs
- Monitor computers and services running on your network through active monitoring features such as continuous checking of HTTP/HTTPS/FTP site availability, server roles queries, firewall queries and more
- Optimize security and performance while tracking operational issues by auditing your critical systems/devices; such as routers, firewall, sensors, servers and database engines
- Create and maintain an automated network security system which detects intrusion attacks
- Achieve compliance with various regulations and acts including SOX, PCI DSS, Code of Connection, HIPAA, data protection laws and others
- Proactively detect events which will lead to disaster such as hardware failure. When such events are processed, GFI EventsManager provides an early warning to give you control and take corrective action
- Minimize the risk and business loss due to systems downtime and misconfiguration
- Easily browse events from any number of databases through the extensive Events Browser; which helps you carry out forensic investigations with minimal human input
- Automatically processes and archives event logs, collecting and highlighting the information you need to know about the most important events occurring in your network so you are never caught off guard
- Generate technical IT level and management level reports from the extensive list of reports and also create new ones from existing reports or collected events
- Protect your business by tracking the security events in your network. Find who is responsible for security breaches and network threats
For a full list of features, refer to: https://www.gfi.com/eventsmanager#features